The Natural Communities Coalition (NCC) was established in 1996 as one of the first implementation steps following the signing of a landscape-scale habitat planning and conservation effort—the Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) for the Central and Coastal Subregion of Orange County, California. The plan provides long-term protection for wildlife and their critical habitats, and regulatory assurances and economic benefits for participating landowners.

The Natural Communities Coalition is an Irvine-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization whose Board of Directors consists of the Wildlife Agencies, and public and private landowners participating in and benefiting from the NCCP/HCP. The main purpose of NCC is to coordinate the land management, monitoring and research with our partners across the nearly 38,000 acre Reserve System. Until 2014, the organization was known as Nature Reserve of Orange County.

The Reserve System is a permanently protected open space which is managed for the benefit of plants and wildlife that define the character, uniqueness and natural diversity of Orange County. Uses that are consistent with habitat and wildlife conservation are allowed. Compatible public access is welcome on most lands within the Reserve.

NCCP/HCP Documents

The Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP) & Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the County of Orange Central and Coastal Subregion NCCP consists of four separate documents:

Parts I & II: NCCP/HCP

Part III: Joint Programmatic EIR/EIS

Implementation Agreement

Map Section (Figures 1 through 75)

Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan

In 2019, the NCC revised the habitat restoration and enhancement plan for the Central and Coastal Subregion.  The plan identifies and prioritizes potential restoration areas within the reserve and provides detailed information on the most effective methods of associated costs of restoration activities.